
We ❤️ automation

For Script Developers

Task, List, Execution plan been described bellow as the basis of the


Task is the smalleste element of the execution plan. Task can be created or edited in a task editor

Task name

Name is not unique in the application but people will search by name. All names should be lowercase as people Prefer to set the name like instagram - and what this task do

Javascript code

The code is javascript, if you return any variable it can be used in the subsequent tasks (see Return) You can use the

Save data to the database

await app[‘api’].saveData(“here comes the unique identifier” , data); data has to be a json!

Retrieve data from the database

var data = await app[‘api’].getData(“the unique identifier”); data will be a json

Special tasks

goto -> when the Return is goto than it will jump to the sequence what have been returned in the script console.log() -> will appear in the console of the application as well in


when you set the return than in the subsequent task you can refer it by app[and here the return string]

like the return is label1 and in the script you have “return 1” in the subsequent tasks you can reger to this value in app[‘label1’] what will be 1


It is having also a default parameter. When you save and run a task it will pick up the default parameter. The parameter value to be a json object

Task parameter is accessible from: app[‘args’] The execution level parameters are accessible from: app[‘argsExec’]

You have to create at least one public parameter to able to create parameters by other users!


You can organise the Tasks into lists When you set the order of the Tasks than you can set which parameter you want to run this specific task in the list. You also can test the Lists. A list does not have any specific parameter.

Script (Execution Plan)

An execution plan can have parameters, these parameters are only visible to the specific user.